What Does Worship Look Like To The Five Fold?


Different Passions, Point of Views, But One United Vision!

With the different passions and points of view, what does worship look like to the five fold?

Evangelist:  The passion of the evangelist is to “win the lost”, so worship to him/her might look like the lost coming to the foot of the cross and accepting the “evangelistic” offering of the “first fruits” of their lives, resulting in the crossing of the great chasm of belief and unbelief.  Unlike C.S. Lewis’ Great Divorce, those who have rejected the gospel would now accept it in an embrace with their loved ones who have entered the kingdom of God.  To an evangelist the celebration of “new birth” and “newness” would be central to their framework of worship.

Pastor/Shepherd:  To the shepherd, worship would be the daily “living out” of their salvation, their lifestyles.  Their “doing” the gospel would be an act of worship.  The practical daily practice of their faith while releasing it in daily situations and challenges would be central to their form of worship.

Teacher:  The teacher would feel the Logos Word of God, the Bible, is the centrality of all worship.  He/she would feel that everything would evolve around the centrality of the Bible in their lives, thus the reading of the Word would be of great importance in a corporate setting.  The testimonies of the saints living out the Word in their daily lives would augment everyone’s faith.

Prophet:  Prophets think worship is ascending to the heavenlies, experiencing revelation through Spirit and Truth which would unlock the mysteries of God.  They would emphasize making the Logos, living Word, a Rhema, or living Word. 

Apostle:  The vision of an apostle’s view of worship would be corporate, universal, all encompassing the many giftings and diversity within the Body of Christ in unity.  He would want to release the evangelistic spirit in corporate worship, as well as the pastoral spirit of nurture, development, care, and growth.  He would bring balance and unity between the teacher and the prophet in centralizing the worship around the Logos Word, but releasing the Rhema Word for current day revelation of gospel truths.  His view of worship is purely corporate unity in Jesus to proclaim a living gospel allowing the releasing of all the passions.

Together:  What an unique experience worship would be if all five giftings, passions, and points of view were allowed to be released in one setting at the same time!  The Church would experience the lost being saved, the found being developed into the maturity of Jesus Christ, and together unity in lifting up Jesus.  With the Holy Spirit orchestrating our worship, Church would never be the same.  Bring it on…….