New Wine: A Need For Revival

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Insights Into The Covid-19 Church Era –Part XXX

“Together, we are his house, built on the foundation of the apostles and the prophets, and the cornerstone is Christ Jesus himself. We are carefully joined together in him….” (Ephesians 2:20-21)

Morality cannot be legislated! People will sin; it is in their nature, and people won’t quit sinning jut because it is against the law. Prohibition attempted to outlaw alcohol. When it became law, bootlegging became a profitable industry. Unable to enforce it, the law was repealed. Since “All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God,” (Romans 3:23) we need Jesus. Michael W. Smith sang:

Nobody knew His secret ambition; nobody knew His claim to fame
He broke the old rules steeped in tradition
He tore the holy veil away
Questioning those in powerful position
Running to those who called His name
But nobody knew His secret ambition was to give his life away.

America is ripe for a revival, a time of repentance, a turning from ones sins and acceptance of God’s grace. Only a change of heart and a rebirth of one’ spirit can change a person’s lifestyle. “Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold new things have come.” (II Corinthians 5:17)  History records bars were closed because of Charles Finney’s revival meetings. They produced radical change. The prophet, John the Baptist, cries, “Repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand.” (Matthew 3:2) Evangelist have proclaimed, , “You must be born again,” (John 3:7) to people who saw themselves as “wretched” in need of a savior.

One person can spread the coronavirus to large numbers when in a dense crowd. When Stay-At-Home restrictions were lifted, America partied hearty. The need to party on holidays, to vacation on a crowded beach, to hold large political rallies, and to open bars all added to the perfect storm for viral infections.

The “lack of leadership” in networking chains of P.P.E. materials, ventilators, and testing with quick results comes from the void of releasing people with evangelistic, prophetic, and apostolic passions. We need evangelist to cry for repentance, prophets to set a direct path, and an apostle who sees the big picture and networks people toward an unified goal. Revival always produces new wine, but into what wineskins or structures are we to place this new wine? In the 1700’s, the church pulpit was that structure. The Camp Meeting was the 1800 wineskin. Evangelistic Crusades held in massive tents or large sports venues became the 20th century wineskin. What wineskins are available in the 21st century?

Revivals use new technology. The printing press supported revival in the 18th & 19th centuries. Radio and television advanced evangelism in the 20th century, and now the World-Wide-Web, the Internet, has the potential to change the world, but how? Everything seems to be going virtual due to Covid-19. How will it bring America and the World to its knees in need of a savior? Will the Church respond as an established institution, and effective organization, or a living organism? How to make it an organism only the Holy Spirit knows as He begins to speak, guide, and direct His Church into becoming a living organism known as the Bride of Christ.

Covid-19 spread worldwide in just months bringing the world to its knees, adapting drastic measures to bring about change in an effort to control the disease. In an Internet world, a tweet, a Facebook page, a blog entry, a website can go viral and effect the world in a moment. How can the Church use today’s technologies to bring the world to its knees, acknowledging their sins, and bringing revival? In this age revival will not be local or sporadic; it has the potential of being worldwide. Like its forerunners, the printing press, radio, and television, it will bring about drastic change. As an institution, it took a pandemic to grab the church’s attention to the power of going virtual. As an organization, it’s trying to organize and contain this new technology. As an organism, it will bring life, a rebirth, “the old things are passing away; behold new things are coming!” As our last blog professes, “He who has ears; let him hear.” Let’s listen to the Holy Spirit for directions on how to repent and rebuild.